Welcome to BT-Tics
Behaviour Therapy for tics and Tourette syndrome
About us


van de Griendt
Cara Verdellen, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and cognitive behavioural therapist. In 2007, she received her PhD on the effectiveness of exposure and response prevention for tics in Tourette syndrome at the Radboud University Nijmegen.
Jolande van de Griendt, MSc, is a registered healthcare psychologist and cognitive behavioural therapist. She iperforms scientific PhD research, comparing behaviour therapy with medication for tics.
Both Cara and Jolande:
Diagnose and treat patients with tic disorders, Tourette syndrome and comorbid disorders
Contributed to European clinical guidelines for the treatment of Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders (working group 'Behavioural and psychosocial interventions')
Developed treatment protocols for tics and impulse control disorders
Run workshops and give lectures on the behavioural treatment of tics
Were (Co)trainers at the COST Action Clinical Training School (June 2011: London, UK; June 2012: Catania, Italy; April 2013: Athens, Greece; April 2014: Paris, France; June 2015: London, UK)
Are members of the Scientific board of the Dutch Tourette syndrome association and of the European Society of the Study of Tourette Syndrome (ESSTS)
Scientific publications
Verdellen, C., Griendt, J. van de, Hartmann, A., Murphy, T. & the ESSTS Guidelines Group (2011). European clinical guidelines for Tourette Syndrome and other tic disorders. Part III: Behavioural and psychosocial interventions. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 20, 197-207.
Griendt, J. van de, Verdellen, C., Dijk, van, & Verbraak, M. (2013). Behavioural treatment of tics: Habit reversal and exposure with response prevention. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 37, 1172-1177.
Verdellen, C.W.J., Keijsers, G.P.J., Cath, D.C., & Hoogduin, C.A.L. (2004). Exposure with response prevention versus habit reversal in Tourette's syndrome: A controlled study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42, 501-511.
Verdellen, C.W.J., Hoogduin, C.A.L., & Keijsers, G.P.J. (2007). Tic suppression in the treatment Tourette's syndrome with exposure therapy: The rebound phenomenon reconsidered. Movement Disorders, 22, 1601-1606.
Verdellen, C.W.J., Hoogduin, C.A.L., Kato, B.S., Keijsers, G.P.J., Cath, D.C., & Hoijtink, H.B. (2008). Habituation of premonitory sensations during exposure and response prevention treatment in Tourette's syndrome. Behavior Modification, 32, 215-227.
International lectures & workshops
June 2009: 5th International Scientific Symposium on Tourette Syndrome, New York (TSA)
Exposure and response prevention for tics (Verdellen, on invitation)
August 2009: ESCAP congress Budapest, Hungary (ESSTS symposium)
Behavior therapy in tic disorders (Verdellen & Van de Griendt)
December 2009: French National Gilles de la Tourette congress (Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière), Paris, France
Behavior therapy in tic disorders (Verdellen, on invitation)
June 2012: ESSTS meeting/COST International conference for Tourette syndrome, Catania, Sicily (Verdellen & Van de Griendt)
Data presentation of a survey among ESSTS members into the application of behaviour therapy for tics (Verdellen & Van de Griendt)
April 2013: ESSTS meeting/COST International conference for Tourette syndrome, Athens, Greece (Verdellen & Van de Griendt)
The effect of one hour exposure versus two hour exposure on treatment outcome in Tourette syndrome (Van de Griendt)
Oct 2013: Behavioural treatment for tics (Herlev, Denmark, incompany workshop) (Van de Griendt)
April 2014: ESSTS meeting/COST International conference for Tourette syndrome, Paris, France (Verdellen & Van de Griendt)
Risperidone versus Exposure and response prevention: a randomized controlled trial (Van de Griendt)
September 2014: European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT) 2014,The Hague, Netherlands
Workshop "Behaviour Therapy for Tic Disorders" (Verdellen & Van de Griendt)
Symposium ''Beat the Tics'' (HSK Expertise Tics/ Verdellen, chair):
Medication versus behaviour therapy in tic disorders: what works best for tics? (Van de Griendt)
Negative reinforcement and premonitory urges in youth with Tourette (prof D. Woods, US)
Evaluation of a cognitive model for the managmeent of tic disorders: an open trial (prof. K. O'Connor, Canada)
Dissemination of behaviour therapy for tics: overcoming the barriers (Verdellen)
Feb 2015: Egyptian Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Cairo, Egypte
CBT for Tics & Tourette Disorder (Van de Griendt)
June 2015: 1st World Congress on Tourette Syndrome & Tic Disorders, London, UK
Behavior therapy workshop (chairs: D Woods & C Verdellen)
October 2015: årskonferens Svenska föreningen för kognitiva och beteendeinriktade terapier (sfKBT), Göteborg, Sweden
Precongress workshop Tourette & Tics (Verdellen & Van de Griendt)
State of the art presentation on tics and TS (Verdellen & Van de Griendt)
October 2015: Barn & Ungdomspsykiatriskt Forskningscentrum Stockholm, Sweden (incompany workshop; Verdellen & Van de Griendt)
Januari 2016: Workshop Tourette Syndrome, Tromsø, Norway (Cath & Van de Griendt)
Poster presentations
Title: Exposure and response prevention: a promising new treatment for tics in Tourette's syndrome (Verdellen, Hoogduin, Keijsers, Cath).
June 2007, International Scientific Symposium on Tourette Syndrome, Lillehammer, Norway.
November 2007, VGCt conference, Veldhoven, the Netherlands (poster award).
Title: Risperidone versus behaviour therapy in the treatment of tic disorders – A randomized single-blinded trial (Van de Griendt, Wertenbroek, Rath, Verdellen, Cath, de Bruijn, Verbraak & Becker).
June 2012, ESSTS meeting/ COST International conference for Tourette syndrome, Catania, Sicily.
November 2012, VGCt conference, Veldhoven, the Netherlands.
Title: Dissemination of Behaviour Therapy for tics –overcoming barriers (Verdellen, van de Griendt, van den Berg, van Dijk & Verbraak)
June 2015, 1st World Congress on Tourette Syndrome & Tic Disorders, London, UK
Title: Working Mechanism of Exposure and Response Prevention - Habituation? (van de Griendt, van den Berg, Verdellen, Cath & Verbraak)
June 2015, 1st World Congress on Tourette Syndrome & Tic Disorders, London, UK
Title: BT-Coach (van Limpt, Verdellen & Van de Griendt)
June 2015, 1st World Congress on Tourette Syndrome & Tic Disorders, London, UK
In the media
July 2013, Interview Cara Verdellen on dutch radio BNN Nachtbrakers
July 2013, Interview Jolande van de Griendt on dutch radio 3FM
April 2014, Interview Tourette Nieuwsbrief "Een vrouw met een missie"
September 2014, expert in television program "Tourette on Tour" RTL5